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    Learn Courses Advanced level Adjectives and adverbs Whatever wherever whenever etc

Adjectives and Adverbs - Lesson 11.5

Whatever, Wherever, Whenever...etc

(Whatever, Wherever, Whenever...etc)

-"Where shall we go to dinner tonight?" -"WHEREVER you would like". In this dialogue "wherever" means "any place". Continue the lesson below to learn how to use "whatever", "whenever", etc.

When we add the ending “-ever” to interrogative pronouns such as “what” o “where”, they serve as pronouns, adjectives or conjunctions with a meaning more or less equivalent to “any”.

When we use these compounds as interrogatives, they express surprise, indignation or exasperation. To demonstrate their various uses, below are several examples of these compounds.


Meaning: anything; everything; no matter what; of any kind


  Whatever I do, it doesn’t seem to make a difference. She still doesn’t like me.
  Whatever you do, don’t keep them waiting.
  He is so rich, he can buy whatever he wants.
  Whatever classes you choose, you are sure to learn a lot.
  Whatever time you finish, don’t forget to call us.
  Whatever happened here?


Meaning: any/whatever one/ones of a group

Remember: As we saw in the lesson on What v. Which, the use of which implies a limited number of possible responses.

Remember: As we saw in the lesson on What v. Which, the use of which implies a limited number of possible responses.


  It’s a small town. Whichever way you turn, you always seem to end up in the same place.
  Take whichever one you like.
  Whichever jacket I wear, I’m still going to be cold.


Meaning: in, at or to any place


  Please sit wherever you like.
  Wherever I go, I always feel like a foreigner.
  His dog follows him wherever he goes.
  Wherever did they go?


Meaning: at any or every time


  The party starts at 9 o’clock, but you can come whenever you want.
  Whenever I call, he is always out.
  We can start the classes whenever is best for you.
  Whenever did she finally arrive?


Meaning: any person at all


  Whoever eats their vegetables can have dessert.
  I will date whoever I want!
  Whoever called last night didn’t leave a message.
  Whoever made this mess?


Meaning (adverb): no matter how; any manner or way


  You can do it however you want, but I suggest you be careful.
  However much money he has, it’s never enough.
  However long it takes, it doesn’t matter, it just needs to be finished.
  However did you finish it?
Note: As we saw in the lesson Linking Words: Contrasting Information, when we use “however” as a conjunction, it implies a contrast between two statements.


  I don’t usually drink coffee, however I am very tired this morning and need the caffeine.
  She would like to come to the party, however it’s better that she stay home and rest as she has been ill for days now.
Note: As we saw in the lesson Linking Words: Contrasting Information, when we use “however” as a conjunction, it implies a contrast between two statements.


  I don’t usually drink coffee, however I am very tired this morning and need the caffeine.
  She would like to come to the party, however it’s better that she stay home and rest as she has been ill for days now.
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