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Resultado de la traducción
tener puesto usar, llevar, ponerme, pongo, vestir, ponte, utilice, póngase, desgaste, ropa wear

wear verbo

1. Be dressed in.

She likes to wear elegant evening gowns to formal events. Ella gusta vestir elegantes vestidos de gala en eventos formales.

2. Have on one's person.

She likes to wear her favorite scarf on special occasions. Ella gusta llevar su pañuelo favorito en ocasiones especiales.

3. Have in one's aspect.

The tired expression began to wear on her face as she struggled through the long day at work. La expresión cansada comenzó a hacer mella en su rostro mientras luchaba para superar el largo día de trabajo.

4. Deteriorate through use or stress.

The constant exposure to harsh weather conditions has started to wear down the building's exterior, causing cracks in the walls and windows. La constante exposición a condiciones climáticas severas ha empezado a desgastar la fachada del edificio, causando grietas en las paredes y ventanas.

5. Have or show an appearance of.

The tired look began to wear on her face, and she knew it was time for a nap. El cansado aspecto comenzó a hacerse notar en su rostro, y ella sabía que era hora de una siesta.

6. Last and be usable.

The high-quality fabric of the jacket is designed to wear well, ensuring it remains comfortable and stylish for many years. El tejido de alta calidad del jacket está diseñado para durar bien, asegurando que siga siendo cómodo y estiloso durante muchos años.

7. Go to pieces.

The old bridge began to wear under the constant flow of traffic, and its structural integrity was compromised. El puente antiguo empezó a desgastarse bajo el flujo constante de tráfico y se comprometió su integridad estructural.

8. Exhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain or stress.

After running non-stop for 24 hours, Sarah began to wear out and eventually collapsed from exhaustion. Después de correr sin parar durante 24 horas, Sarah comenzó a desgastarse y finalmente se derrumbó por agotamiento.

9. Put clothing on one's body.

After getting dressed, Sarah wear her favorite scarf to add a pop of color to her outfit. Después de vestirse, Sarah se puso su escarlata favorita para agregar un toque de color a su atuendo.


Pronombre Conjugación
I wear.
You wear.
He/She/It wears.
We wear.
You wear.
They wear.
Conjugación completa.

wear sustantivo

1. Impairment resulting from long use.

The constant wear on her joints from years of heavy lifting has made it difficult for her to perform daily tasks without pain. El constante uso que ha tenido en sus articulaciones desde años de levantamiento pesado la ha hecho difícil para ella realizar tareas diarias sin dolor.

2. A covering designed to be worn on a person's body.

She carefully selected her outfit, choosing a beautiful dress and matching wear that would make her feel confident for the wedding. Ella cuidadosamente seleccionó su atuendo, eligiendo un bonito vestido y complementos que se ajustasen y la hicieran sentir segura para el matrimonio.

3. The act of having on your person as a covering or adornment.

After getting dressed, she admired her wear, noticing how the new dress accentuated her figure. Después de vestirse, ella admiró su traje, notando cómo el nuevo vestido realzaba su figura.