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    Resources Translator

He prefers to be fully informed about the state of his bank account.

Resultado de la traducción
Prefiere estar completamente informado sobre el estado de su cuenta bancaria. He prefers to be fully informed about the state of his bank account.

be verb

1. Have the quality of being.

The new employee is calm, which be an essential trait for working in customer service. (In this sentence, "be" means to have the quality of being calm.) El nuevo empleado es sereno, lo que es una característica esencial para trabajar en atención al cliente. (En esta oración, "ser" significa tener la calidad de ser sereno.)

2. Be identical to.

The two copies of the document be identical, making it impossible to determine which one is the original. Los dos ejemplares del documento sean idénticos, lo que hace imposible determinar cuál es el original.

3. Occupy a certain position or area.

The new restaurant will be located on the corner of Main Street and Elm Avenue, right next to the city's famous fountain. El nuevo restaurante se ubicará en la esquina de calle Main y Avenida Elm, justo al lado de la famosa fuente de la ciudad.

4. Have an existence, be extant.

The ancient city of Pompeii still be on the Italian coast, despite being buried under volcanic ash for centuries. La ciudad antigua de Pompeya sigue estando en la costa italiana, a pesar de estar enterrada bajo cenizas volcánicas durante siglos.

5. Happen, occur, take place.

The storm was expected to be severe, so we stocked up on supplies and boarded up the windows. La tormenta se esperaba que fuera severa, por lo que nos aprovisionamos de suministros y acristalamos las ventanas.

6. Be identical or equivalent to.

The new smartphone **be** a clone of the latest iPhone model, sharing many of its features and design elements. El nuevo smartphone **será** una copia del último modelo de iPhone, compartiendo muchos de sus características y elementos de diseño.

7. Form or compose.

The songwriter spent hours be-ing the melody, carefully crafting each note to create a haunting harmony. El compositor pasó horas siendo la melodía, cuidadosamente labrando cada nota para crear un armonía aterciopelada.

8. Work in a specific place, with a specific subject, or in a specific function.

As a freelance writer, she be based out of her home office to focus on her latest novel. Como escritora independiente, ella trabaja desde su oficina en casa para enfocarse en su última novela.

9. Represent, as of a character on stage.

The actor will be Shakespeare's Hamlet in tonight's performance. El actor será Hamlet de Shakespeare en la representación de esta noche.

10. Spend or use time.

I'll be watching the game all afternoon, so don't disturb me. Voy a estar viendo el partido toda la tarde, así que no me molestes.

11. Have life, be alive.

The newborn baby was still learning to be, struggling to breathe and adjusting to its new life outside the womb. El bebé recién nacido todavía estaba aprendiendo a ser, luchando por respirar y adaptándose a su nueva vida fuera del útero.

12. To remain unmolested, undisturbed, or uninterrupted -- used only in infinitive form.

The hikers made sure to be off the trail by nightfall so they could be alone and enjoy their campsite without disturbance. Los senderistas se aseguraron de estar fuera del camino por la hora nocturna para poder estar solos y disfrutar de su acampada sin molestar.

13. Be priced at.

The new smartphone will be $800, making it one of the most expensive models on the market. El nuevo smartphone costará $800, lo que lo hará uno de los modelos más caros en el mercado.


Pronoun Conjugation
I am
You are
He/She/It is
We are
You are
They are
Complete conjugation.

fully adverbio

1. To the greatest degree or extent.

The artist poured her heart and soul into the painting, creating a masterpiece that was fully realized in every detail. La artista vertió su corazón y alma en la pintura, creando una obra maestra que se realizó por completo en todos los detalles.

2. Sufficiently.

The new employee was fully trained on all aspects of the software before being assigned to her first project, ensuring she had the necessary skills to succeed. El nuevo empleado recibió una formación exhaustiva en todos los aspectos del software antes de ser asignado a su primer proyecto, lo que garantizó que tuviera las habilidades necesarias para tener éxito.

3. Referring to a quantity.

The artist used fully 30 colors in her latest painting, creating a vibrant and dynamic effect. La artista utilizó plenamente 30 colores en su última pintura, creando un efecto vibrante y dinámico.

state sustantivo

1. The territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation.

The state of California is known for its beautiful beaches and theme parks, attracting millions of tourists every year. El estado de California es conocido por sus hermosas playas y parques de atracciones, atrae millones de turistas cada año.

2. The way something is with respect to its main attributes.

The state of our team's morale was boosted after winning the championship game. El estado del moral de nuestro equipo se vio impulsado después de ganar el partido de campeonato.

3. The group of people comprising the government of a sovereign state.

The state is responsible for maintaining law and order in the country, and its leaders work tirelessly to ensure the well-being of citizens. El estado es responsable de mantener el orden y la ley en el país, y sus líderes trabajan incansablemente para garantizar el bienestar de los ciudadanos.

4. A politically organized body of people under a single government.

The United States is a federal state with 50 separate states, each with its own capital city. Los Estados Unidos son un estado federal con 50 estados separados, cada uno con su propia ciudad capital.

5. (chemistry) the three traditional states of matter are solids (fixed shape and volume) and liquids (fixed volume and shaped by the container) and gases (filling the container).

The chemistry textbook explained that there are three fundamental states: solid, liquid, and gas, which exhibit distinct properties. El texto de química explicó que existen tres estados fundamentales: sólido, líquido y gaseoso, que exhiben propiedades distintas.

6. A state of depression or agitation.

After losing her job, Sarah found herself in a state of despair, unable to muster the energy to get out of bed. Después de perder su trabajo, Sarah se encontró en un estado de desesperación, incapaz de reunir la energía necesaria para salir de la cama.

7. The territory occupied by a nation.

The state of California is known for its diverse landscape, from the Pacific coast to the Mojave Desert. El estado de California es conocido por su variado paisaje, desde la costa del Pacífico hasta el Desierto del Mojave.

8. The federal department in the united states that sets and maintains foreign policies.

The state department issued a statement condemning the recent human rights violations in a neighboring country, calling for immediate action to address the situation. El Departamento de Estado emitió un comunicado condenando las recientes violaciones de derechos humanos en un país vecino, y llamó a tomar medidas inmediatas para abordar la situación.

bank sustantivo

1. Sloping land (especially the slope beside a body of water).

The picnic area was situated on the bank of the lake, offering a breathtaking view of the surrounding landscape. El área de picnic estaba situada en la orilla del lago, ofreciendo una vista impresionante del paisaje circundante.

2. A financial institution that accepts deposits and channels the money into lending activities.

After saving up for months, she finally opened an account at a reputable bank to start her retirement fund. Después de ahorrar durante meses, ella finalmente abrió una cuenta en un banco reputado para empezar su fondo de jubilación.

3. A long ridge or pile.

The snowbank on the side of the mountain was so steep that it looked like an avalanche waiting to happen. La nievebank en la ladera del monte era tan empinada que parecía un derrumbe esperando suceder.

4. An arrangement of similar objects in a row or in tiers.

The flower bank on the table added a pop of color to the room, with its tiered layers of roses and carnations. La floristería en la mesa añadió un toque de color al cuarto con sus capas escalonadas de rosas y carmesíes.

5. A supply or stock held in reserve for future use (especially in emergencies).

The hospital has a blood bank on site, which allows them to quickly respond to emergency transfusions. El hospital tiene una banca de sangre en el sitio, lo que les permite responder rápidamente a transfusiones de emergencia.

6. The funds held by a gambling house or the dealer in some gambling games.

The casino had to pay out a large sum of money from its bank after one lucky player won the jackpot. El casino tuvo que pagar una gran suma de dinero desde su cuenta bancaria después de que un jugador afortunado ganara el jackpot.

7. A slope in the turn of a road or track.

The motorcycle took the sharp bank at high speed, and I held on tight to avoid losing control. El motocicleta tomó la curva cerrada a alta velocidad y yo me agarré fuerte para evitar perder el control.

8. A container (usually with a slot in the top) for keeping money at home.

Sarah kept her spare change in a small bank on her dresser, which made it easy to find when she needed some cash. Sarah guardó su cambio sobrante en un pequeño banco que tenía en su mesita de noche, lo que la hacía encontrarlo fácilmente cuando necesitaba algún dinero.

9. A building in which the business of banking transacted.

The financial district is home to several major banks, including the iconic skyscraper that houses First National Bank. El distrito financiero es el hogar de varios bancos importantes, incluyendo el rascacielos icónico que alberga el Banco Nacional Primero.

10. A flight maneuver.

The pilot executed a beautiful bank to gain altitude before landing at the airfield. El piloto ejecutó un hermoso banco para ganar altura antes de aterrizar en el aeropuerto.

account sustantivo

1. A record or narrative description of past events.

The historian spent years researching and writing her account of the medieval siege, which was later published in a bestselling book. El historiador pasó años investigando y escribiendo su relato de asedio medieval, que más tarde se publicó en un libro bestseller.

2. A short account of the news.

The newspaper published a daily account of the latest developments in the presidential election, keeping readers informed about the campaign's progress. El periódico publicó un informe diario de los últimos desenvolvimientos en la elección presidencial, manteniendo a los lectores informados sobre el progreso de la campaña.

3. A formal contractual relationship established to provide for regular banking or brokerage or business services.

The financial institution offered a range of accounts, including checking and savings options, to cater to individual clients' unique needs. La institución financiera ofreció una variedad de cuentas, incluyendo opciones de cheques y ahorros, para atender las necesidades únicas de los clientes individuales.

4. A statement that makes something comprehensible by describing the relevant structure or operation or circumstances etc..

The engineer provided an account of how the machine works, which helped us understand its complex mechanisms. El ingeniero proporcionó una cuenta de cómo funciona la máquina, lo que nos ayudó a comprender sus mecanismos complejos.

5. Grounds.

The judge took into account the defendant's previous criminal record when making her decision, which was based on the grounds that he had shown no remorse for his actions. El juez consideró el historial penal del acusado cuando tomó su decisión, que se basaba en los fundamentos de que él no había mostrado arrepentimiento por sus acciones.

6. Importance or value.

The company will account for its reputation in the industry when making future business decisions, taking into consideration the importance of maintaining customer trust. La empresa contabilizará su reputación en la industria al tomar decisiones de negocio futuras, teniendo en cuenta la importancia de mantener la confianza del cliente.

7. A statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance.

The bank manager reviewed the customer's account to ensure that all transactions were accurate and up-to-date. El gerente del banco revisó la cuenta del cliente para asegurarse de que todas las transacciones fueran precisas y al día.

8. The act of informing by verbal report.

The witness provided an account of the accident, describing every detail to the investigating officer. El testigo proporcionó una cuenta del accidente, describiendo cada detalle al oficial investigador.

9. An itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered.

The accounting department sent me a detailed account of the expenses incurred during the trip, which included transportation costs and accommodation fees. El departamento de contabilidad me envió un informe detallado de los gastos incurridos durante el viaje, que incluyó costos de transporte y cuotas de alojamiento.

10. The quality of taking advantage.

The company's questionable business practices were an account to their competitors, who accused them of exploiting market trends. Las prácticas comerciales cuestionables de la empresa fueron un atractivo para sus competidores, quienes les acusaron de explotar tendencias del mercado.