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    Resources Translator

to have nothing left; to sell everything in stock

Translation result
no tener nada más; vender todo lo que hay en stock to have nothing left; to sell everything in stock

have verb

1. Have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense.

She has a beautiful garden with a variety of flowers and trees that she tends to every weekend. Ella tiene un jardín hermoso con una variedad de flores y árboles que atiende cada fin de semana.

2. Have as a feature.

The new smartphone has a sleek design, making it stand out in the market. El nuevo teléfono inteligente tiene un diseño elegante, lo que lo hace destacarse en el mercado.

3. Go through (mental or physical states or experiences).

After a long illness, she has been through a lot of physical therapy to regain her strength and mobility. Después de una larga enfermedad, ha pasado por mucho terapia física para recuperar su fuerza y movilidad.

4. Have ownership or possession of.

She has inherited her grandmother's antique jewelry, which is now on display in her living room. Ella ha heredado el joyería antigua de su abuela, que ahora se exhibe en su sala de estar.

5. Cause to move.

The strong winds had the trees swaying gently in the orchard, causing them to creak and groan under their own weight. Los fuertes vientos tenían los árboles balanceándose suavemente en el huerto, lo que les hacía crujir y gemir bajo su propio peso.

6. Serve oneself to, or consume regularly.

She likes to have a cup of coffee every morning to get her going for the day. Ella le gusta tener un tazón de café cada mañana para despertarse y estar lista para el día.

7. Have a personal or business relationship with someone.

She has been working with John at the same company for five years, and they have developed a strong professional bond. Ella ha estado trabajando con John en la misma empresa durante cinco años y han desarrollado un vínculo profesional fuerte.

8. Organize or be responsible for.

As the project leader, Sarah will have to organize the team and ensure that all tasks are completed on time. Como líder del proyecto, Sarah tendrá que organizar al equipo y asegurarse de que todas las tareas se completan a tiempo.

9. Have left.

After packing her bags, Sarah has left for the airport to catch her flight. Después de empacar sus maletas, Sarah se ha ido al aeropuerto para coger su vuelo.

10. Be confronted with.

The detective had to have the suspicious evidence, which led her straight to the culprit's doorstep. El detective tuvo que tener la evidencia sospechosa, lo que la llevó directamente a la puerta del acusado.

11. Undergo.

The new employee is going to have her first training session today, where she'll learn about company policies and procedures. El nuevo empleado tendrá su primera sesión de capacitación hoy, donde aprenderá sobre políticas y procedimientos de la empresa.

12. Suffer from.

After the accident, she has been having chronic back pain and finds it difficult to perform daily activities. Después del accidente, ella ha estado sufriendo dolor de espalda crónico y encuentra difícil realizar actividades diarias.

13. Cause to do.

The teacher decided to have the students write an essay on their summer vacation, and they spent hours crafting their stories. El profesor decidió que los estudiantes escribieran un ensayo sobre sus vacaciones de verano y pasaron horas construyendo sus historias.

14. Receive willingly something given or offered.

The charity has received many donations from generous donors to help with disaster relief efforts. La caridad ha recibido numerosos donativos de donantes generosos para ayudar con esfuerzos de auxilio en casos de desastre.

15. Get something.

I have finally gotten my hands on the new iPhone that I've been waiting for. Tengo finalmente en mis manos el nuevo iPhone que esperaba.

16. Undergo (as of injuries and illnesses).

After the accident, Sarah had to have surgery to repair her broken leg. Después del accidente, Sarah tuvo que someterse a una cirugía para reparar su pierna rotura.

17. Achieve a point or goal.

After months of hard work, she finally had her dream job offer and was overjoyed. Después de meses de duro trabajo, ella finalmente tuvo la oferta laboral de sus sueños y estaba eufórica.

18. Cause to be born.

The parents had their first child after trying for several years, and they were overjoyed at the arrival of their little one. Los padres tuvieron su primer hijo después de intentarlo durante varios años y se sintieron extremadamente felices al llegar del pequeño".

19. Have sex with.


Pronoun Conjugation
I have.
You have.
He/She/It has.
We have.
You have.
They have.
Complete conjugation.

nothing noun

1. A quantity of no importance.

The company's quarterly profits were down to nothing, and investors began to worry about its financial stability. Las ganancias trimestrales de la empresa cayeron a nada y los inversores comenzaron a preocuparse sobre su estabilidad financiera.
After weeks of searching, I found nothing of interest in the dusty old antique store. Después de semanas de búsqueda, no encontré nada interesante en la tienda de antigüedades polvorienta y vieja.
The new policy change had no effect on sales, resulting in nothing to show for all the effort put in by the marketing team. El cambio de política nuevo no tuvo efecto en las ventas, lo que resultó en nada para mostrar por todo el esfuerzo realizado por el equipo de marketing.

sell verb

1. Exchange or deliver for money or its equivalent.

The entrepreneur sold her innovative product to a major tech company, earning a substantial profit. El emprendedor vendió su producto innovador a una empresa de tecnología importante, ganando un beneficio sustancial.

2. Be sold at a certain price or in a certain way.

The new smartphone is expected to sell for over $1000, making it one of the most expensive devices on the market. El nuevo teléfono inteligente se espera que se venda por más de $1000, lo que lo convierte en uno de los dispositivos más caros del mercado.

3. Persuade somebody to accept something.

The salesperson tried to sell me on the idea of upgrading my phone, but I was still hesitant. El vendedor trató de vendérmelo a la idea de actualizar mi teléfono, pero yo seguía siendo reacio.

4. Do business.

The entrepreneur decided to sell her startup to a major tech company, reaping a significant profit. La emprendedora decidió vender su startup a una empresa de tecnología importante, obteniendo un beneficio significativo.

5. Give up for a price or reward.

The company decided to sell its stake in the technology startup to a rival firm, hoping to reap a substantial profit. La empresa decidió vender su participación en la startup tecnológica a una firma rival, esperando obtener un beneficio sustancial.

6. Be approved of or gain acceptance.

The new policy is designed to sell well with employees by offering flexible work arrangements and better benefits. La nueva política está diseñada para vender bien con los empleados ofreciendo arreglos laborales flexibles y mejores beneficios.

7. Be responsible for the sale of.

The company is selling its entire stockpile of inventory to make room for new products. La empresa está vendiendo su completo almacén de inventario para hacer espacio para nuevos productos.

8. Deliver to an enemy by treachery.

The general was accused of selling out his country's secrets to the enemy, putting countless lives at risk and compromising national security. El general fue acusado de vender los secretos de su país al enemigo, poniendo en peligro innumerables vidas y comprometiéndose la seguridad nacional.


Pronoun Conjugation
I sell.
You sell.
He/She/It sells.
We sell.
You sell.
They sell.
Complete conjugation.

stock sustantivo

1. The capital raised by a corporation through the issue of shares entitling holders to an ownership interest (equity).

The company's initial public offering (IPO) raised $100 million in stock, giving it the financial backing needed to expand its operations. La oferta pública inicial (IPO) de la empresa recaudó $100 millones de acciones, lo que le brindó el respaldo financiero necesario para ampliar sus operaciones.

2. The merchandise that a shop has on hand.

The boutique had a limited stock of designer dresses in their spring collection, so we had to special order one for our customer. La tienda de moda tenía una cantidad limitada de vestidos de diseño en su colección de primavera, por lo que tuvimos que pedir uno especial para nuestro cliente.

3. The handle of a handgun or the butt end of a rifle or shotgun or part of the support of a machine gun or artillery gun.

The soldier carefully cleaned the stock of his rifle before storing it in its case. El soldado limpió con cuidado la culata de su fusil antes de almacenarlo en su funda.

4. A certificate documenting the shareholder's ownership in the corporation.

She proudly held her stock certificate, feeling a sense of accomplishment after years of investing in the company. Ella sostuvo orgullosamente su certificado de acciones, sintiendo un sentimiento de logro después de años de invertir en la empresa.

5. A supply of something available for future use.

The company maintains a large stock of spare parts in its warehouse to ensure quick replacement if any machinery breaks down. La empresa mantiene una gran cantidad de repuestos en su almacén para asegurarse de reemplazar rápidamente cualquier maquinaria que se averíe.

6. The descendants of one individual.

The wealthy businessman was proud of his stock, which had grown significantly over the years thanks to his shrewd investments. El empresario acaudalado se sentía orgulloso de su participación en la bolsa, que había crecido significativamente a lo largo de los años gracias a sus inversiones astutas.

7. A special variety of domesticated animals within a species.

The breeder was proud to show off her prize-winning stock of purebred Golden Retrievers, which she had carefully bred over several generations. La criadora se sentía orgullosa de mostrar su ganancia en concursos de razas puras de retriever dorado, que había cuidadosamente cruzado durante varias generaciones.

8. Liquid in which meat and vegetables are simmered.

The chef carefully strained the rich beef stock from the slow-cooked stew, revealing tender chunks of meat and soft vegetables. El chef estrujó cuidadosamente la rica sopa de carne de buey procedente del estofado cocido lentamente, revelando trozos tiernos de carne y verduras suaves.

9. The reputation and popularity a person has.

After winning several awards, she had built up a great stock in the industry, making it easier for her to attract new clients. Después de ganar varios premios, había construido una gran reputación en el sector, lo que la hacía más fácil atraer nuevos clientes.

10. Persistent thickened stem of a herbaceous perennial plant.

The gardener carefully transplanted the delicate sprouts from their pots into the rich soil, making sure not to damage the sturdy stock of the mint plants. El jardinero cuidadosamente transplantó las delicadas sprouts desde sus maceteros en el suelo rico, asegurándose de no dañar el robusto tallo de las plantas de menta.

11. A plant or stem onto which a graft is made.

The horticulturist carefully selected a healthy stock of apple tree branches to use for grafting new varieties. El horticultor seleccionó con cuidado un conjunto saludable de ramas de manzano para utilizar en la injerto de nuevas variedades.

12. Any of several old world plants cultivated for their brightly colored flowers.

The florist carefully arranged the stock stems in the bouquet, adding a pop of color to the arrangement. La florista arregló con cuidado los tallos de la mercadería en el ramo, agregando un toque de color al arreglo.

13. Any of various ornamental flowering plants of the genus malcolmia.

The garden center had an impressive display of stocks in full bloom, with delicate white flowers and sweet fragrance wafting through the air. El centro de jardinería tenía una impresionante exposición de estelas en plena floración, con delicadas flores blancas y un aroma dulce que flotaba en el aire.

14. Lumber used in the construction of something.

The carpenter carefully selected the finest stock to build the sturdy oak table, ensuring it would last for generations. El carpintero seleccionó cuidadosamente el mejor material para construir la mesa de roble resistente, asegurándose de que durara durante generaciones.

15. The handle end of some implements or tools.

The carpenter grasped the stock of his hammer firmly, preparing to drive home the nail. El carpintero agarró firmemente el mango de su martillo, preparándose para clavar el clavo.

16. An ornamental white cravat.

The elegant gentleman's outfit was completed by a crisp white stock tucked neatly into his shirt collar. El traje del señor elegante quedó completo con un pañuelo blanco crujiente metido precisamente en su cuello de camisa.

17. Any animals kept for use or profit.

The farmer had a large stock of chickens on his farm, which he raised to sell at the local market. El agricultor tenía una gran reserva de gallinas en su finca, las cuales criaba para vender en el mercado local.