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    Resources Translator

to avoid doing something

Translation result
para evitar hacer algo to avoid doing something

avoid verb

1. Stay clear from.

To avoid getting lost, we decided to stick to the main road and not take any shortcuts. Para evitar perderse, decidimos mantenernos en la carretera principal y no tomar atajos.

2. Prevent the occurrence of.

The fire department worked tirelessly to avoid a massive blaze from engulfing the city by evacuating residents and extinguishing small fires before they spread. El departamento de bomberos trabajó incansablemente para evitar que un gran incendio devorara la ciudad evacuando a los residentes y apagando pequeños incendios antes de que se extendieran.

3. Refrain from doing something.

To avoid getting late, I left the house an hour earlier than usual. Para evitar llegar tarde, salí de casa una hora antes de lo habitual.

4. Refrain from certain foods or beverages.

To manage her blood sugar levels, Sarah had to avoid consuming sugary drinks like soda and juice. Para manejar sus niveles de azúcar en la sangre, Sarah tenía que evitar consumir bebidas azucaradas como la soda y el jugo.

5. Declare invalid.

The judge decided to avoid the contract, citing a technicality that rendered it null and void. El juez decidió evadir el contrato, argumentando una técnica que lo hacía nulo y sin efecto.


Pronoun Conjugation
I avoid.
You avoid.
He/She/It avoids.
We avoid.
You avoid.
They avoid.
Complete conjugation.