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    Resources Translator


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ataque accidente cerebrovascular, trazo, derrame cerebral, movimiento, apoplejía, ictus, tiempos, golpe, carrera, infarto stroke

stroke verb

1. Touch lightly and repeatedly, as with brushing motions.

The painter gently stroked the canvas with her brush, creating soft, feathery textures in the landscape. El pintor acarició suavemente el lienzo con su pincel, creando texturas suaves y plumosas en el paisaje.

2. Strike a ball with a smooth blow.

The professional golfer carefully aimed her club and then stroked the ball down the fairway, landing it within inches of the hole. El golfista profesional dirigió con cuidado su club y después dio un golpe al balón hacia el green, haciendo que aterrizara a solo pulgadas del hoyo.

3. Row at a particular rate.

The experienced oarsman stroked steadily through the calm waters of the lake, his pace measured and deliberate. El experimentado remero golpeó constantemente a través del agua serena del lago, su ritmo medido y deliberado.

4. Treat gingerly or carefully.

When handling the fragile vase, she stroked it gently so as not to break it. Cuando manejava el vaso delicado, ella lo acarició suavemente para no romperlo.

stroke noun

1. (sports) the act of swinging or striking at a ball with a club or racket or bat or cue or hand.

The golfer's impressive stroke on the 17th hole earned her a standing ovation from the crowd. El impresionante tiro del golfista en el hoyo 17 le ganó un aplauso póstumo de pie de la multitud.

2. The maximum movement available to a pivoted or reciprocating piece by a cam.

The engineer carefully calculated the stroke length of the piston to ensure optimal combustion in the engine. El ingeniero calculó cuidadosamente la longitud del golpe del pistón para asegurar la combustión óptima en el motor.

3. A sudden loss of consciousness resulting when the rupture or occlusion of a blood vessel leads to oxygen lack in the brain.

After experiencing a severe headache and numbness in her face, Sarah was rushed to the hospital where she was diagnosed with a stroke caused by a blockage in one of the arteries supplying blood to her brain. Después de sufrir un dolor de cabeza severo y sordera en la cara, Sarah fue llevada al hospital donde se le diagnosticó un ictus causado por una obstrucción en uno de los arterias que suministran sangre a su cerebro.

4. A light touch.

The painter applied a delicate stroke to the canvas, blending the colors seamlessly. El pintor aplicó un toque delicado al lienzo, fusionando los colores de manera suave.

5. A light touch with the hands.

The pianist's gentle stroke on the keys created a soothing melody that filled the concert hall. El pianista dio un golpe suave en las teclas creando una melodía tranquilizadora que llenó el salón de concierto.

6. (golf) the unit of scoring in golf is the act of hitting the ball with a club.

Tiger Woods took a deep breath before taking his second stroke on the par-5 hole, trying to hit the ball as far as possible. Tigre Woods tomó un profundo suspiro antes de tomar su segundo golpe en el hoyo par-5, tratando de golpear la pelota lo más lejos posible.

7. The oarsman nearest the stern of the shell who sets the pace for the rest of the crew.

As the coach gave the command, the stroke rower dug deep into the water with his oar, setting a blistering pace that had the entire team working together in perfect harmony. Mientras el entrenador daba la orden, el remero de remo dio un golpe profundo en el agua con su remo, estableciendo un ritmo abrasador que tenía al equipo entero trabajando juntos en armonía perfecta.

8. Anything that happens suddenly or by chance without an apparent cause.

The sudden stroke of bad luck left John's plans for the weekend in shambles when he lost his phone and wallet on the same day. El repentino golpe de mala suerte dejó los planes de fin de semana de John en desorden cuando perdió su teléfono y cartera en el mismo día.

9. A punctuation mark (/) used to separate related items of information.

The instructions advised me to use a stroke at the end of each paragraph to ensure easy reading. Las instrucciones me recomendaron utilizar un trazo al final de cada párrafo para garantizar la lectura fácil.

10. A mark made on a surface by a pen, pencil, or paintbrush.

The artist's brush stroke added a touch of elegance to the canvas, transforming it into a stunning work of art. El toque del pincel del artista agregó un toque de elegancia al lienzo, transformándolo en una obra maestra impresionante.

11. Any one of the repeated movements of the limbs and body used for locomotion in swimming or rowing.

The swimmer took four powerful strokes across the pool before reaching the other side. El nadador tomó cuatro potentes brazos hacia el otro lado de la piscina antes de llegar al otro lado.

12. A single complete movement.

The pianist's precise stroke on the keys produced a clear and resonant tone, filling the concert hall with music. El pianista dio un golpe preciso en las teclas y produjo un tono claro y sonoro que llenó el salón de concierto con música.