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    Resources Translator

pencil sharpener

Translation result
sacapuntas pencil sharpener

pencil noun

1. A thin cylindrical pointed writing implement.

The artist carefully selected the right pencil to create subtle shading in her sketch of the cityscape. El artista seleccionó cuidadosamente el lápiz adecuado para crear sombras sutiles en su dibujo del paisaje urbano.

2. Graphite (or a similar substance) used in such a way as to be a medium of communication.

The artist carefully sharpened her pencil to create delicate lines on the canvas, conveying the subtle emotions of the portrait subject. El artista afiló con cuidado su lápiz para crear líneas delicadas en la lienzo, transmitiendo los sentimientos sutiles del sujeto del retrato.

3. A figure formed by a set of straight lines or light rays meeting at a point.

The artist used a pencil to create a precise and delicate drawing of the cityscape, capturing the intricate details of the buildings and streets. El artista utilizó un lápiz para crear un dibujo preciso y delicado del paisaje urbano, capturando los detalles intrincados de los edificios y calles.

4. A cosmetic in a long thin stick.

The makeup artist carefully applied eyeliner with a pencil to create a subtle, smudgy effect on the model's lids. El artista de maquillaje aplicó con cuidado el lápiz de ojos para crear un efecto suave y embozado en las párpados del modelo.

sharpener sustantivo

1. Any implement that is used to make something (an edge or a point) sharper.

A knife sharpener Un afilador de cuchillos