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    Resources Translator


Translation result
escuchar oír, oírlo, oido, enterarme, saber, dicen, ir hear

hear verb

1. Perceive (sound) via the auditory sense.

As I stood outside the concert hall, I could hear the sweet melodies of the violinist drifting through the open window. Mientras estaba afuera del salón de concierto, pude oír las melodías dulces del violinista filtrándose a través de la ventana abierta.

2. Get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally.

She heard about the new restaurant in town through a friend and decided to give it a try. Ella se enteró sobre el nuevo restaurante en la ciudad a través de un amigo y decidió darle una oportunidad.

3. Examine or hear (evidence or a case) by judicial process.

The judge heard the testimony of several witnesses before making her ruling in the high-profile lawsuit. El juez escuchó la testimonio de varios testigos antes de emitir su sentencia en el pleito de alto perfil.

4. Receive a communication from someone.

I heard from my best friend yesterday that she's moving to another city. Me enteré ayer de parte de mi mejor amiga que se está mudando a otra ciudad.

5. Listen and pay attention.

As she sat in the front row, she heard every word of the speaker's impassioned speech, her eyes fixed intently on his face. Mientras ella se sentó en la primera fila, escuchó cada palabra del discurso apasionado del orador, sus ojos fijos con intensidad en su rostro.


Pronoun Conjugation
I hear.
You hear.
He/She/It hears.
We hear.
You hear.
They hear.
Complete conjugation.