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    Resources Translator


Translation result
bote barco, embarcación, barca, lancha boat

boat verb

1. Ride in a boat on water.

We decided to boat across the lake to get to the secluded cove. Decidimos navegar a través del lago para llegar al acantilado solitario.
The kids loved boating with their grandfather on the calm summer morning. Los niños adoraron navegar con su abuelo en la tranquila mañana de verano.

boat noun

1. A small vessel for travel on water.

The family rented a boat to explore the calm waters of the lake and enjoy a relaxing afternoon. La familia alquiló un barco para explorar las aguas tranquilas del lago y disfrutar de una tarde relajante.
As I walked along the dock, I admired the sleek sailboat bobbing gently in the harbor, its white sails billowing in the breeze. Mientras caminaba a lo largo del muelle, admiré el elegante velero que se balanceaba suavemente en el puerto, sus velas blancas inflando con la brisa.

2. A dish (often boat-shaped) for serving gravy or sauce.

The holiday dinner table was filled with all sorts of vessels, including a large boat for holding the rich turkey gravy. La mesa de la cena festiva estaba llena de todos tipos de recipientes, incluyendo un gran barco para contener la rica salsa de pavo.
At the fancy restaurant, the server carefully poured the aromatic sauce into a decorative boat, allowing each guest to help themselves to the savory condiment. En el restaurante de lujo, el camarero vertió con cuidado la salsa aromática en un barco decorativo, permitiendo que cada invitado se sirviera la condición sabrosa.