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    Resources Translator

The unexamined life is not worth living.

Translation result
La vida no examinada no vale la pena vivir. The unexamined life is not worth living.

life noun

1. A characteristic state or mode of living.

The nomadic lifestyle has been her life for decades, and she wouldn't have it any other way. El estilo de vida nómada ha sido su vida durante décadas y no lo cambiaría por nada del mundo.

2. The experience of being alive.

She reflected on her life and realized that she had accomplished more than she thought possible. Ella reflexionó sobre su vida y se dio cuenta de que había logrado más de lo que pensaba posible.

3. The course of existence of an individual.

She reflected on her life, thinking about all the milestones she had achieved and the challenges she had overcome. Ella reflexionó sobre su vida, pensando en todos los hitos que había alcanzado y los desafíos que había superado.

4. The condition of living or the state of being alive.

After the near-fatal accident, Sarah was grateful for her life and made a conscious effort to appreciate every moment. Después del accidente cerca de mortal, Sarah se sintió agradecida por su vida y hizo un esfuerzo consciente para apreciar cada momento.

5. The period during which something is functional (as between birth and death).

The new smartphone had a limited life before its battery started to drain quickly, requiring frequent recharges. El nuevo teléfono inteligente tenía una vida limitada antes de que su batería empezara a agotarse rápidamente, lo que requería recargas frecuentes.

6. The period between birth and the present time.

After living through a lifetime of ups and downs, she reflected on her life and felt grateful for all the experiences she had. Después de vivir una vida llena de altibos y bajos, ella reflexionó sobre su vida y se sintió agradecida por todos los experiencias que había tenido.

7. The period from the present until death.

After her diagnosis, Sarah began to reevaluate her priorities and make the most of her remaining life, cherishing time with loved ones. Después de su diagnóstico, Sarah comenzó a reevaluar sus prioridades y hacer lo mejor con el resto de su vida, apreciando el tiempo con seres queridos.

8. A living person.

The doctor saved the life of the injured hiker who was trapped on the mountain. El médico salvó la vida del excursionista herido que estaba atrapado en la montaña.

9. Animation and energy in action or expression.

The artist poured her life into every brushstroke, imbuing the painting with an undeniable vitality that seemed to pulse with energy. La artista vertió su vida en cada pincelada, infundiendo la pintura con una vitalidad innegable que parecía latir con energía.

10. Living things collectively.

The diversity of life on Earth is truly remarkable, with millions of species ranging from tiny bacteria to massive blue whales. La diversidad de la vida en la Tierra es verdaderamente impresionante, con millones de especies que van desde bacterias diminutas hasta grandes ballenas azules.

11. The organic phenomenon that distinguishes living organisms from nonliving ones.

The discovery of water on Mars has sparked new hope for finding signs of life beyond our planet. El descubrimiento de agua en Marte ha generado nueva esperanza para encontrar indicios de vida más allá de nuestro planeta.

12. An account of the series of events making up a person's life.

The biographer spent years researching her subject's life, pouring over old letters and diaries to get a comprehensive understanding of her experiences. La biógrafa pasó años investigando la vida de su objeto de estudio, repasando viejos cartas y diarios para obtener una comprensión integral de sus experiencias.

13. A motive for living.

After her diagnosis, she found new purpose in life and dedicated herself to raising awareness about cancer research. Después de su diagnóstico, encontró un nuevo propósito en la vida y se dedicó a concienciar sobre investigación del cáncer.

14. A prison term lasting as long as the prisoner lives.

The doctor told the patient that his new medication would improve the quality of his life. El médico le dijo al paciente que su nueva medicación mejorarla la calidad de su vida.

not adverb

1. Negation of a word or group of words.

She didn't attend the meeting, not because she was busy but because she had forgotten about it. Ella no asistió a la reunión, no porque estuviera ocupada, sino porque se había olvidado de ella.
The new policy doesn't apply to existing customers, not to mention those who have already made a purchase. La nueva política no se aplica a los clientes existentes, ni mencionar a aquellos que ya han efectuado una compra.
The teacher asked the students to solve the math problem again, not correctly this time, but with a different approach. El profesor pidió a los estudiantes que resolvieran el problema de matemáticas de nuevo, no correctamente esta vez, sino con un enfoque diferente.

worth adjective

1. Worthy of being treated in a particular way.

The elderly patient was worth special care and attention, so the hospital staff made sure to provide her with extra assistance. El paciente anciano merecía un cuidado y atención especiales, por lo que el personal del hospital se aseguró de proporcionarle ayuda adicional.
As a veteran, John was worth a round of applause for his bravery during the war. Como veterano, Juan valía un aplauso por su valentía durante la guerra.

2. Having a specified value.

The diamond necklace was worth a small fortune, and it took her years to save up enough money to buy it. El collar de diamantes valía una pequeña fortuna y le costó años ahorrar lo suficiente para comprárselo.
This painting is worth millions of dollars, making it one of the most valuable pieces in the museum's collection. Esta pintura vale millones de dólares, lo que la convierte en uno de los objetos más valiosos en la colección del museo.

living noun

1. The experience of being alive.

Despite struggling with chronic illness, she cherished every moment of her living and made sure to appreciate the small joys in life. A pesar de luchar con una enfermedad crónica, ella apreciaba cada momento de su vida y se aseguraba de valorar los pequeños placeres de la existencia.

2. People who are still living.

The city's population has grown significantly over the years, with many more living moving in from rural areas. La población de la ciudad ha crecido significativamente en los años recientes, con muchos más que se trasladan desde áreas rurales.

3. The condition of living or the state of being alive.

Despite the challenges he faced, he cherished his living and made the most of every moment. A pesar de los desafíos que enfrentó, valoraba su vida y sacó el mejor partido de cada momento.

4. The financial means whereby one lives.

After inheriting her grandmother's estate, Sarah found herself with a comfortable living that allowed her to pursue her passions without worrying about money. Después de heredar la finca de su abuela, Sarah se encontró con una vida confortable que le permitió perseguir sus pasiones sin preocuparse por el dinero.