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    Resources Translator

I think you are right on this issue.

Translation result
Creo que tienes razón en este tema. I think you are right on this issue.

think verb

1. Judge or regard.

She thinks him to be one of the most talented musicians in the industry, and his latest album is no exception. Ella piensa que él es uno de los músicos más talentosos de la industria y su último álbum no es excepción.

2. Expect, believe, or suppose.

I think it will rain tomorrow, so I'll bring an umbrella to the park. Pienso que llueva mañana, así que llevaré un paraguas al parque.

3. Use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments.

After careful consideration, she thinks critically about the pros and cons of switching jobs before making a decision. Después de una cuidadosa consideración, ella piensa críticamente sobre los pros y contras de cambiar de trabajo antes de tomar una decisión.

4. Recall knowledge from memory.

After studying all night, she thought back to the key concepts in her psychology textbook and was able to answer the exam questions confidently. Después de estudiar toda la noche, se acordó de los conceptos clave en su libro de texto de psicología y pudo responder las preguntas del examen con confianza.

5. Imagine or visualize.

As I sat in the quiet forest, I liked to think of myself as a brave adventurer, exploring uncharted territories and discovering hidden treasures. Mientras me sentaba en el silencioso bosque, me gustaba pensar que era un valiente aventurero, explorando territorios no cartografiados y descubriendo tesoros escondidos.

6. Focus one's attention on a certain state.

As I sat in silence, I think about the beauty of nature and let my worries fade away. Mientras me senté en silencio, pienso en la belleza de la naturaleza y dejo que mis preocupaciones se desvanecen.

7. Have in mind as a purpose.

She thinks to travel around the world after graduating from college, so she's been saving money and applying for scholarships. Ella piensa viajar por todo el mundo después de graduarse en la universidad, así que ha estado ahorrando dinero y solicitando becas.

8. Decide by pondering, reasoning, or reflecting.

After weighing the pros and cons, she decided to think carefully about her next career move before making any changes. Después de ponderar los pros y contras, ella decidió pensar cuidadosamente en su próximo movimiento en carrera antes de hacer cualquier cambio.

9. Ponder.

As I lay in bed, I couldn't help but think about the events of the day and how they had unfolded. Mientras yacía en la cama, no podía evitar pensar en los eventos del día y cómo se habían desarrollado.

10. Dispose the mind in a certain way.

After reading the book, she thought deeply about the themes and symbolism to gain a deeper understanding of the author's message. Después de leer el libro, ella reflexionó profundamente sobre los temas y la simbología para obtener una comprensión más profunda del mensaje del autor.

11. Have or formulate in the mind.

As she lay in bed, Sarah thought about all the possibilities of her future career. Mientras yacía en la cama, Sarah pensó en todas las posibilidades de su carrera futura.

12. Be capable of conscious thought.

After a good night's sleep, I think clearly and am able to tackle complex problems with ease. Dospues de una buena noche de sueño, creo con claridad y puedo abordar problemas complejos con facilidad.

13. Bring into a given condition by mental preoccupation.

The artist thought deeply about her next painting, trying to bring together the abstract shapes and colors in her mind. El artista pensó profundamente sobre su próxima pintura, tratando de unir las formas y colores abstractos en su mente.


Pronoun Conjugation
I think.
You think.
He/She/It thinks.
We think.
You think.
They think.
Complete conjugation.

right adverb

1. Precisely, exactly.

She placed the vase right in the center of the table, making sure it was perfectly aligned. Ella colocó el vaso justo en el centro de la mesa, asegurándose de que estuviera perfectamente alineado.

2. Immediately.

As soon as I got off the bus, my friend would call me right and we'd meet up to grab lunch. Tan pronto como yo descendí del autobús, mi amigo me llamaría inmediatamente y nos reuniríamos para comer un almuerzo.

3. Exactly.

The pilot landed the plane right on schedule, impressing all the passengers with his precision. El piloto aterrizó el avión exactamente en hora, impresionando a todos los pasajeros con su precisión.

4. Toward or on the right.

The driver turned right at the intersection to continue on Main Street. El conductor dio la vuelta a la derecha en la intersección para continuar por Calle Principal.

5. In the right manner.

She played the piano right, with precision and finesse, impressing the audience with her technical skill. Ella tocó el piano con precisión y finura, impresionando al público con su habilidad técnica.

6. An interjection expressing agreement.

"I think we should go to the movies tonight, right?" - In this sentence, "right" is used as an adverb to express enthusiastic agreement with the suggestion. Pienso que deberíamos ir al cine esta noche, ¿verdad?" - En esta oración, "verdad" se utiliza como adverbio para expresar acuerdo entusiasta con la sugerencia.

7. Completely.

She was completely right when she said that the new policy would improve customer satisfaction. Ella tenía completamente razón cuando dijo que la nueva política mejoraría la satisfacción del cliente.

8. (southern regional intensive) very.

She's right tired after that long drive, but I'm glad she made it home safe. Ella está muy cansada después de ese largo viaje, pero estoy contento de que llegó a casa segura.

9. In accordance with moral or social standards.

She did what was right by standing up to her boss and reporting the misconduct. Ella hizo lo que era correcto al enfrentar a su jefe y denunciar el mal comportamiento.

10. In an accurate manner.

She calculated the tip right, ensuring she left just enough to show her appreciation without overdoing it. Ella calculó la propina con precisión, asegurándose de dejar justo lo suficiente para mostrar su agradecimiento sin excederse.

issue noun

1. An important question that is in dispute and must be settled.

The judge had to deliberate on the issue of whether the defendant was guilty or innocent, considering all the evidence presented in court. El juez tuvo que deliberar sobre la cuestión de si el acusado era culpable o inocente, considerando toda la evidencia presentada en la audiencia.

2. One of a series published periodically.

The latest issue of the fashion magazine arrived at my doorstep, and I couldn't wait to flip through its pages. La última edición de la revista de moda llegó a mi umbral y no pude esperar para hojear sus páginas.

3. Some situation or event that is thought about.

The recent controversy surrounding the company's data breach has become a major issue for shareholders, who are demanding answers from the CEO. La reciente controversia rodeada del incidente de datos de la empresa se ha convertido en un asunto importante para los accionistas, que están demandando respuestas al CEO.

4. The act of providing an item for general use or for official purposes (usually in quantity).

The government is issuing new passports to all citizens who have renewed their applications. El gobierno está emitiendo nuevos pasaportes a todos los ciudadanos que han renovado sus solicitudes.

5. Supplies (as food or clothing or ammunition) issued by the government.

The military base received a fresh issue of rations, including canned goods and dried fruits, to sustain the troops during their long deployment. La base militar recibió una nueva entrega de provisiones, incluyendo comestibles enlatados y frutas secas, para abastecer a los soldados durante su larga despliegue.

6. The income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property.

The real estate developer reported a significant issue from the sale of the downtown office building, which would help fund their next project. El desarrollador inmobiliario informó un problema significativo relacionado con la venta del edificio de oficinas en el centro, lo que ayudaría a financiar su próximo proyecto.

7. A phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon.

The issue of climate change has been a pressing concern for scientists, who attribute it to human activities such as deforestation and carbon emissions. El tema del cambio climático ha sido una preocupación presionante para los científicos, quienes lo atribuyen a actividades humanas como la deforestación y las emisiones de dióxido de carbono.

8. The immediate descendants of a person.

The wealthy entrepreneur had several issue from his first marriage, who were now grown and successful in their own careers. El empresario acaudalado tenía varios hijos de su primer matrimonio, que ahora eran adultos y exitosos en sus propias carreras laborales.

9. The becoming visible.

The issue of climate change is finally being addressed by world leaders, and it's about time. In this sentence, the issue refers to the point at which climate change becomes visible or apparent. El tema del cambio climático finalmente está siendo abordado por líderes mundiales, y es hora de que lo hagan. En esta oración, el tema se refiere al momento en que el cambio climático se vuelve visible o aparente.

10. An opening that permits escape or release.

The firefighters carefully made an issue in the wall to rescue the trapped kitten, giving it a chance to escape the burning building. Los bomberos trabajaron con cuidado en hacer un agujero en la pared para rescatar al gato atrapado, dándole una oportunidad de escapar del edificio en llamas.

11. The act of issuing printed materials.

The publishing company handled the issue of the new book, which included a special edition cover and a foreword by the author. La empresa editorial manejó el asunto del nuevo libro, que incluía una cubierta especial de edición y un prólogo del autor.