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    Resources Translator

I have to put right this situation.

Translation result
Tengo que arreglar esta situación. I have to put right this situation.

have verb

1. Have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense.

She has a beautiful garden with a variety of flowers and trees that she tends to every weekend. Ella tiene un jardín hermoso con una variedad de flores y árboles que atiende cada fin de semana.

2. Have as a feature.

The new smartphone has a sleek design, making it stand out in the market. El nuevo teléfono inteligente tiene un diseño elegante, lo que lo hace destacarse en el mercado.

3. Go through (mental or physical states or experiences).

After a long illness, she has been through a lot of physical therapy to regain her strength and mobility. Después de una larga enfermedad, ha pasado por mucho terapia física para recuperar su fuerza y movilidad.

4. Have ownership or possession of.

She has inherited her grandmother's antique jewelry, which is now on display in her living room. Ella ha heredado el joyería antigua de su abuela, que ahora se exhibe en su sala de estar.

5. Cause to move.

The strong winds had the trees swaying gently in the orchard, causing them to creak and groan under their own weight. Los fuertes vientos tenían los árboles balanceándose suavemente en el huerto, lo que les hacía crujir y gemir bajo su propio peso.

6. Serve oneself to, or consume regularly.

She likes to have a cup of coffee every morning to get her going for the day. Ella le gusta tener un tazón de café cada mañana para despertarse y estar lista para el día.

7. Have a personal or business relationship with someone.

She has been working with John at the same company for five years, and they have developed a strong professional bond. Ella ha estado trabajando con John en la misma empresa durante cinco años y han desarrollado un vínculo profesional fuerte.

8. Organize or be responsible for.

As the project leader, Sarah will have to organize the team and ensure that all tasks are completed on time. Como líder del proyecto, Sarah tendrá que organizar al equipo y asegurarse de que todas las tareas se completan a tiempo.

9. Have left.

After packing her bags, Sarah has left for the airport to catch her flight. Después de empacar sus maletas, Sarah se ha ido al aeropuerto para coger su vuelo.

10. Be confronted with.

The detective had to have the suspicious evidence, which led her straight to the culprit's doorstep. El detective tuvo que tener la evidencia sospechosa, lo que la llevó directamente a la puerta del acusado.

11. Undergo.

The new employee is going to have her first training session today, where she'll learn about company policies and procedures. El nuevo empleado tendrá su primera sesión de capacitación hoy, donde aprenderá sobre políticas y procedimientos de la empresa.

12. Suffer from.

After the accident, she has been having chronic back pain and finds it difficult to perform daily activities. Después del accidente, ella ha estado sufriendo dolor de espalda crónico y encuentra difícil realizar actividades diarias.

13. Cause to do.

The teacher decided to have the students write an essay on their summer vacation, and they spent hours crafting their stories. El profesor decidió que los estudiantes escribieran un ensayo sobre sus vacaciones de verano y pasaron horas construyendo sus historias.

14. Receive willingly something given or offered.

The charity has received many donations from generous donors to help with disaster relief efforts. La caridad ha recibido numerosos donativos de donantes generosos para ayudar con esfuerzos de auxilio en casos de desastre.

15. Get something.

I have finally gotten my hands on the new iPhone that I've been waiting for. Tengo finalmente en mis manos el nuevo iPhone que esperaba.

16. Undergo (as of injuries and illnesses).

After the accident, Sarah had to have surgery to repair her broken leg. Después del accidente, Sarah tuvo que someterse a una cirugía para reparar su pierna rotura.

17. Achieve a point or goal.

After months of hard work, she finally had her dream job offer and was overjoyed. Después de meses de duro trabajo, ella finalmente tuvo la oferta laboral de sus sueños y estaba eufórica.

18. Cause to be born.

The parents had their first child after trying for several years, and they were overjoyed at the arrival of their little one. Los padres tuvieron su primer hijo después de intentarlo durante varios años y se sintieron extremadamente felices al llegar del pequeño".

19. Have sex with.


Pronoun Conjugation
I have.
You have.
He/She/It has.
We have.
You have.
They have.
Complete conjugation.

put verb

1. Put into a certain place or abstract location.

She carefully put the fragile vase on the mantle, making sure it wouldn't get knocked over. Ella colocó con cuidado el vaso frágil en la repisa, asegurándose de que no se cayera.

2. Cause to be in a certain state.

The warm sunlight put the flowers into bloom, filling the garden with their sweet fragrance. El sol cálido iluminó las flores, haciéndolas brotar y llenando el jardín de su deliciosa fragancia.

3. Formulate in a particular style or language.

The poet put her thoughts into verse, crafting a beautiful and poignant poem that captured the essence of her emotions. La poeta puso sus pensamientos en verso, forjando un poema bello y conmovedor que capturó la esencia de sus emociones.

4. Attribute or give.

The critics put the film's success down to its engaging storyline and memorable characters. Los críticos atribuyen el éxito del filme a su trama atrapante y personajes recordables.

5. Make an investment.

After careful consideration, she decided to put her money into a high-yield savings account. Después de una cuidadosa consideración, decidido invertir su dinero en un cuenta de ahorro con alta rentabilidad.

6. Estimate.

The real estate agent put the value of the house at $500,000, taking into account its prime location and recent renovations. El agente inmobiliario valoró la casa en $500,000, teniendo en cuenta su ubicación primorredonda y las renovaciones recientes.

7. Cause (someone) to undergo something.

The doctor put her through a series of rigorous tests to diagnose her rare medical condition. El médico la sometió a una serie de pruebas rigurosas para diagnosticar su condición médica rara.

8. Adapt.

The company had to put its operations into place quickly in order to stay competitive in the rapidly changing market. La empresa tuvo que implementar sus operaciones con rapidez para mantenerse competitiva en el mercado en constante evolución.

9. Arrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events.

After a good night's sleep, she put her thoughts together and prioritized her tasks for the next day. Después de una buena noche de sueño, ella reunió sus pensamientos y priorizó sus tareas para el día siguiente.


Pronoun Conjugation
I put.
You put.
He/She/It puts.
We put.
You put.
They put.
Complete conjugation.

right noun

1. An abstract idea of that which is due to a person or governmental body by law or tradition or nature.

The protesters were fighting for their human rights, demanding an end to the government's suppression of free speech and assembly. Los manifestantes estaban luchando por sus derechos humanos, exigiendo el fin del acoso gubernamental a la libertad de expresión y reunión.

2. Location near or direction toward the right side.

The pilot banked the plane to the right, correcting its course for the final approach. El piloto viró el avión hacia la derecha, corrigiendo su rumbo para la aproximación final.

3. The piece of ground in the outfield on the catcher's right.

The center fielder sprinted towards the right, trying to catch the fly ball that was heading towards the gap. El jardinero central corrió hacia la derecha, tratando de atrapar el batazo que se dirigía al hueco.

4. Those who support political or social or economic conservatism.

The right has been gaining popularity in recent years, especially among younger voters who are concerned about issues like taxation and government regulation. El derecho ha estado ganando popularidad en los últimos años, especialmente entre los votantes más jóvenes que se preocupan por cuestiones como la tributación y la regulación gubernamental.

5. The hand that is on the right side of the body.

After years of playing guitar, Sarah's right hand has developed impressive fingerpicking skills. Después de años de tocar la guitarra, las habilidades de piquete con los dedos de la mano derecha de Sarah han desarrollado impresionantes habilidades.

6. A turn toward the side of the body that is on the south when the person is facing east.

As I stood at the intersection, I needed to take a right turn to head north towards the city center. Mientras me encontraba en la intersección, necesitaba tomar un giro a la derecha para encaminarme hacia el centro de la ciudad al norte.

7. Anything in accord with principles of justice.

The judge ruled that the defendant's right to a fair trial was being violated, and ordered the evidence to be dismissed. El juez dictaminó que el derecho del acusado a un juicio justo se estaba violando y ordenó que la evidencia fuera desechada.

8. (frequently plural) the interest possessed by law or custom in some intangible thing.

The family fought for centuries over their rights to the ancestral estate, finally settling on a division of the land and properties. La familia se peleó durante siglos por sus derechos sobre la finca ancestral, finalmente acordando una división del terreno y las propiedades.

situation sustantivo

1. The general state of things.

The situation in the country was dire, with widespread poverty and lack of access to basic amenities. La situación en el país era desesperada, con una pobreza generalizada y falta de acceso a servicios básicos.

2. A condition or position in which you find yourself.

After losing her job due to company restructuring, Sarah found herself in a difficult situation and had to start looking for new employment opportunities. Después de perder su trabajo debido a la reestructuración de la empresa, Sarah se encontró en una situación difícil y tuvo que empezar a buscar nuevas oportunidades de empleo.

3. A complex or critical or unusual difficulty.

The team was faced with a precarious situation when their boat capsized in the stormy waters, and they had to think quickly to avoid drowning. El equipo se enfrentó a una situación precaria cuando su barca volcó en las aguas tormentosas y tuvieron que pensar rápidamente para evitar ahogarse.

4. Physical position in relation to the surroundings.

The situation of the small boat adrift on the open sea made it difficult for the passengers to navigate back to shore. La situación del pequeño barco varado en el mar abierto lo hizo difícil para los pasajeros navegar de regreso a la orilla.

5. A job in an organization.

After graduating from college, she landed a situation at a prestigious consulting firm and quickly became one of their top performers. Después de graduarse en la universidad, ella consiguió un puesto en una firma consultora de prestigio y pronto se convirtió en uno de sus mejores ejecutivos.